Recently fired from their mundane jobs at a call centre, Ishaan (Pushkar Jog) and his friend Abhijeet (Uday Nene), decide to do something exciting with their lives and start an adult hotline...
Pranav Kulkarni a young, handsome dance instructor, living in Mumbai is a total girl chaser who likes to sleep around with hot girls has a unique formula, The Gud Boy Formula - spot the girl in the dance class who just had a breakup or is going through a complicated relationship, call her home to talk over drinks and then get laid. What happens when he falls for Shivani Joshi, his college crush who has come to choreograph her wedding sangeet from Pranav....
Shriranga Deshmukh is frustrated with all the women in his life. However, when he gets back from his native place, he realises he has supernatural powers allowing him to listen to any woman's thought. Inspired by "What Women Want"....
A hospital is managed under a strict discipline of a doctor, a ward boy joins the hospital and tries to entertain everyone....
Lakshya wins his cases by lying and is unable to speak the truth. However, things take a turn when Lakshya gets a case where he needs to tell the truth to get justice for his client....
A twist of fate leads to Manya, a convict at large, being mistaken for a professor and working for a college in Sajjanpur. However, when his lover follows him, chaos ensues....
Dr Ram marries a widowed nurse from his hospital tragedy strikes when her dead husband comes to their house as Ram's patient....