Spoed is a Belgian action drama TV series produced in the Dutch language in Belgium since 2000. The series is also shown on both Flemish/Belgian TV and Dutch TV. The series is directed by Johan Thiels and Guy Thys. The series has produced 217 episodes to date. It may be compared to the American TV programs ER or Chicago Hope....
Spoed is a Belgian action drama TV series produced in the Dutch language in Belgium since 2000. The series is also shown on both Flemish/Belgian TV and Dutch TV. The series is directed by Johan Thiels and Guy Thys. The series has produced 217 episodes to date. It may be compared to the American TV programs ER or Chicago Hope....
Spoed is a Belgian action drama TV series produced in the Dutch language in Belgium since 2000. The series is also shown on both Flemish/Belgian TV and Dutch TV. The series is directed by Johan Thiels and Guy Thys. The series has produced 217 episodes to date. It may be compared to the American TV programs ER or Chicago Hope....
Zone Stad is a Flemish-Belgian TV series about a police-department located in Antwerp. In the series, police officers solve various crimes, which are shown as realistically as possible....
Zone Stad is a Flemish-Belgian TV series about a police-department located in Antwerp. In the series, police officers solve various crimes, which are shown as realistically as possible....
It follows Death as she moves among the population to accomplish her task: touching those whose "last hour" strikes after that moment....
'De Kotmadam' was a classic Flemish comedy television series, that aired from 1991 to 2024, meaning the show is the longest running Belgian sitcom in terms of time and amounts of episodes and seasons. The series revolves around Jeanne Piens, who owns a small sweet shop in the centre of Leuven and rents out several rooms of her house to students studying in the city. She is a caring type and loves all her students. Her husband Jef Liefooghe works for the city's gardening department. Except for t...
RIP was about the funeral company Vingerhoets. This business is losing its paterfamilias and boss. The widow Victorine Vingerhoets and her nephew, Willie Haezevoets, who live at home, have to take over the business and keep it going. Willie is patronized as a son and doesn't feel like going through life as an undertaker because he is desperately looking for a wife. The input of friend of the house Raymond van Derre (also known as Raymondke) often ensured that things never went the way they shoul...
Jonny loves Jessy, but he likes his car even more and therefore Jessy breaks up with him....
Fred, a 28-year-old bachelor from a quiet village in the Ardennes, is forester and grave digger. He is in love with Isabel but she has always loved their childhood friend Peter. Then Peter returns after a failed marriage....