Little Mom tells the story of Naura (Natasha Wilona), a beautiful, accomplished 16-year-old girl who is the pride of parents who aspire to become an obstetrician. Unfortunately, her dreams fall apart due to being pregnant with Yuda (Teuku Rassya), a cool and popular guy at school. The situation becomes even more complicated as Yuda moves to Japan and Naura has to face Keenan (Al Ghazali), the troublemaker at school but is always there for Naura in times of trouble. Naura also has to face Celine ...
Aliza was forced to accept Mother's arranged marriage and marry Kinaan. However, Kinaan's past haunts and threatens their household when Aliza gradually begins to love Kinaan....
Healing the Series is a 2022 Indonesian web series directed by Nurdin Van Jogja. The series, produced by Arkana Films with Sabi Kreasi, starring Bio One, Adinda Azani, Teuku Rassya, and Alifa Lubis, will be broadcast on Maxstream on October 26, 2022....
Young marriage never crossed Arga's mind, Arga don't know what his parents were thinking of, until he was able to marry himself to the son of his father's best friend. Or as a will that must be fulfilled when Arga is eighteen years old....
Dhera's first love when she was in high school in Bandung was for someone she couldn't have, namely Rassya, who already has a boyfriend named Nissa....
Aliza was forced to accept Mother's arranged marriage and marry Kinaan. However, Kinaan's past haunts and threatens their household when Aliza gradually begins to love Kinaan....
Little Mom tells the story of Naura, a beautiful, accomplished 16-year-old girl who is the pride of parents who aspire to become an obstetrician. Unfortunately, her dreams fall apart due to being pregnant with Yuda, a cool and popular guy at school. The situation becomes even more complicated as Yuda moves to Japan and Naura has to face Keenan, the troublemaker at school but is always there for Naura in times of trouble. Naura also has to face Celine, Naura's tough rival in every way, who also l...
Marissa life is perfect. Besides having Papa and Mama who dote on, during the past two years Marissa is dating Michael, best-looking guy in school. Suddenly all change when Michael breakes their relationship and dates Selina....
Ali had a severe accident that had to lie down in a coma. Although his body lays helpless and has to race between life and death, Ali's soul remained alive like a human being....
Alif had just graduated from Pondok Madani. He returned to Maninjau and couldn't wait to start college. However, his friend, Randai, doubted that Alif would pass the entrance exam for university because he did not have a high school certificate. He obtained the certificate and passed the exam at Padjadjaran University. Then, Alif's father's passing forever nearly made him despair. His favorite proverb, "man jadda wa jada," which means "whoever strives will succeed," seemed insufficient to face l...
Plot Unknown....