Alles Kan Beter was a Belgian comedy TV series produced by Flemish production house Woestijnvis between the end of 1997 and 1999, in the Dutch language. The series was directed by Jan Eelen, starring weekly Mark Uytterhoeven, Guy Mortier, Rob Vanoudenhoven, and one guest appearance. All of the cast starred as themselves. Each episode lasted 30 minutes....
Exciting challenges and great stunts. That's how we know the Coppens brothers. Now they put special rooms full of scientific puzzles, tests and assignments that their famous friends have to bring to a successful conclusion. What familiar face cracks the Code of Coppens?...
Destadsbader in a new music program 'I ask it', in which he asks BVs about their favorite song and then asks them to perform it live....
André Mahy, an artistic but unemployed director, gets an offer to make a movie, the script of which appears to be a 'Kiekeboe' comic story entitled Misstakes. A fascinating dialogue develops between the fictional story of the family Kiekeboe and the real story of André Mahy and his film crew....