The series "Kamenskaya" is the first adaptation of the popular novels of "Russian Agatha Christie" Alexandra Marinina. The main heroine of the series is Major of Police Anastasia Kamenskaya, behind whom the glory of a fine analyst is entrenched, speaks five languages and adores her work. She readily takes on insoluble at first glance affairs and skillfully calculates criminals for the most insignificant details of their actions, character, psychology. Nastin's abilities combined with the profe...
When in 1977 these guys came to Moscow from Pyatigorsk, for two they had 160 rubles and a can of cornel jam. And Muscovites contemptuously called them the limit. Years passed, and the brilliant abilities of the young children were realized. Misha became a bank employee, encrypting all documentation on a computer, Ivan - a criminal hacker, which no computer protection could resist. Fulfilling the tasks of mafia structures and penetrating the banking network, Ivan helped customers rob banks, there...
Great Britain at the beginning of the XVIII century. His daughter Hilaret runs away from the house of a rich merchant to secretly marry her lover. The lives of young people are in danger. But despite the intrigues of dishonest law enforcement officers, vice is punished, and justice prevails......
In the center of the film is a love story of a modest graduate of the St. Petersburg law faculty evasively answering a question about a job, and a flight attendant from Kaliningrad. The picture is based on the biography of Vladimir Putin....
Nina is a young woman of thirty years, who lives in St. Petersburg. She has to bury her mother in a winter day. The ceremony is an opportunity for her to meet her younger brother Andrei, who lives elsewhere....