The story begins in the city of Pi-Ramesses, in Egypt, at approximately 1300 B.C, when the powerful pharaoh Seti, orders the death of every male newborn in his hatred of the Hebrew people. Amidst the horrors of mass infanticide, one brave Hebrew family defies Pharaoh`s command and hides their child in a basket set afloat on the river Nile, trusting that God would carry him to safety....
This modern fairy tale tells the story of a homeless girl who dreams of helping out her family and finds her big chance of turning her life around in a fashion modeling contest - but the way to winning it and becoming a star will be a lot harder than she originally envisioned. A captivating romantic comedy about overcoming obstacles, Total Dreamer wins its audience’s heart right from the first episode....
Ângela Cristina, mother of teenager Maria de Lourdes, has to deal with the difficulties and delights of guiding her daughter during one of the most complicated stages of life....