Follow a teenage girl and a trio of fallen gods on a perilous journey as they attempt to bring an end to a demonic reign of chaos and restore balance to their world. Inspired by the 16th Century Chinese fable “Journey to the West.”...
A young boy holds the fate of the kingdom in his hands when he embarks on a quest to deliver a secret message in this sweeping fantasy series....
A young, restless Jewish mother and her family move to an idyllic country property at the base of a mystical and sacred Aboriginal mountain (Gulaga, or “Mother Mountain”), with the hope of starting a new life. Still haunted by a marriage break-up and a strained relation with her parents, she struggles to find a meaningful connection with her new partner. When her daughter is bullied at the local school, an enigmatic Indigenous boy Ren comes to her aid and opens her eyes to the magic of the mount...
A five-year-old Indian boy gets lost on the streets of Calcutta, thousands of kilometers from home. He survives many challenges before being adopted by a couple in Australia; 25 years later, he sets out to find his lost family....
In the lead up to the 1956 Olympic games, a group of missionaries are tasked with helping the fledgling Australian basketball team compete in their first ever Olympics, and in doing so, unite a nation still coming to grips after the war....
Tormented by the news that they bear, two men from town watch over a family whose lives are about to change forever....
An unexpected love story set in WW1 France between a young Australian baker who has deserted the front line, and a grieving French woman, who puts her own life at risk by sheltering him from the authorities....