The Princes of Malibu is an American reality television series that originally aired on Fox from July 10 until July 17, 2005. that aired on the Fox Network, premiering on July 10, 2005. The series produced six episodes, two of which were broadcast, and focused on Brandon and Brody Jenner and their friend Spencer Pratt as they found themselves in the midst of various hijinks....
A peek inside the exploits and privileged private lives of the blended Kardashian-Jenner family, including sisters Kim, Kourtney and Khloé....
The series originally followed sisters Kourtney and Khloé Kardashian as they opened a second D-A-S-H location in Miami, Florida. From the third season onward, sister Kim Kardashian replaced Khloé....
Reality-TV stars Kourtney and Khloé Kardashian continue to roll out their Dash clothing boutiques in U.S. cities. This series follows the sisters as they open a pop-up shop in the trendy Hamptons on eastern Long Island. Kourtney's sometimes beau, Scott Disick, joins them as they try to manage obstacles of starting a shop in the resort area. Although the business is at the heart of the series, no Kardashian show is complete without personal relationships and drama overtaking them....
"Lord of the Freaks" chronicles the bizarre enterprises of new media mogul Alki David, aka 'The Eccentric Billionaire,' a man whose extreme wealth and unusual sensibilities have resulted in an array of confounding escapades....