Walter Melon is a 1998 animated TV show, very loosely adapted from the Franco-Belgian comic and television series Achille Talon. The show aired in the United States on the Fox Family Channel during 1998 and 1999. Produced and funded by France 2, Saban's and Scottish Television...
A French crime anthology show, and one of two entires (with "Intrigues") in the "Drôles d'histoires" umbrella title that ran for 10 years....
Catherine refuses to believe that her business partner, the unlikeable François, has a best friend, so she challenges him to set up an introduction. Scrambling to find someone willing to pose as his best pal, François enlists the services of a charming taxi driver to play the part....
When Camille falls ill, she is forced to live with Philibert and Franck....
In 1895, young journalist Albertine Auclair arrives in the Kabylie during a family visit. The beauty of the region seduces her but she soon learns of the struggles of the native Algerians. She hears in particular about Arezki El Bachir, who was recently sentenced to death by the colonial justice system, and decides to find out more about this extraordinary man....
Muppets TV is a French television series featuring the Muppets, which first broadcast over TF1 on October 29, 2006 and aired its last episode on December 31 of the same year....
A film that relates the trial in Bordeaux in January 1953 of some of the participants in the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre of June 10, 1944....