Jason of Star Command is a live action television series by Filmation which ran between 1978 and 1981. The show revolved around the exploits of space adventurer Jason and his colleagues, including Professor E.J. Parsafoot and the pocket robot "Wiki". The show also starred Sid Haig as the evil Dragos, and, in the first season, James Doohan of Star Trek fame. Jason was a spin-off of another Filmation live action show called Space Academy, which starred another sci-fi luminary, Jonathan Harris of L...
Vacationing lovers Travis and Bobbi encounter an unexpected nightmare on a lonely country road. Two strangers kidnap Bobbi, and brutally beat Travis. Six months later, though Bobbi's family is wealthy, there's no ransom demand, and the police, even Travis's boss, Detective Wyatt, have all but given up. Only Travis, encouraged by Bobbi's best friend Debbie, keeps searching for Bobbi. Travis teams up with Debbie's brother Reb, who assembles a team to rescue Bobbi. Other than Travis and Reb, the te...
The life and career of shock-jock superstar Howard Stern is recounted from his humble beginnings to his view from the top. Possessing a desire to be an on-air personality since childhood, Stern meanders through the radio world, always with his supportive wife, Alison, by his side. Landing a gig in Washington, D.C., Stern meets Robin Quivers, who will become his long-time partner in crime. When the two move to New York, they face the wrath of NBC executives....
A group of teenagers drive out into the desert in search of sex, beer, and general good times. When their van breaks down, they find a group of prospectors who welcome the kids and offer them a place to stay until they can get help. It soon becomes evident, however, that there is more to these prospectors than they claim, and soon the teens are fleeing for their lives....
A teacher at a school for emotionally disturbed children takes an interest in one particular child who doesn't talk but emits a stream of gibberish....
A sensitive but confused teenager feels pressure from all directions and turns to drugs, which causes problems for him in school and at home....