Kottan ermittelt is an Austrian television series that was aired by Austrian television ORF between 1976 and 1984. The satirical 19-episode series about a policeman from Vienna now sports cult status. Police major Adolf Kottan was played by three actors who each gave the character a distinct 'flavor'....
Kaisermühlen Blues is an Austrian television series....
"Die Millionenshow" is the Austrian version of the television quiz “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”. It is produced in Studio 8 of nobeo GmbH in Hürth near Cologne and broadcast by ORF, with the episodes running every Monday on ORF 2. Every two weeks, three episodes are usually recorded on Wednesday and Thursday....
Smart financial advisor Katrin is desperately looking for a way to escape Christmas in her family's lap. And that seems to be coming up soon. In the all-rounder Max, with whom she shares a pronounced aversion to the festival of love, and his dog Kurt, she finds the right companions to implement a sophisticated master plan. Unfortunately, not everything goes according to plan....