Suburban Girl: MedER is a Georgian medical drama series, which was shot by Night Show Studio in 2012. The series is a continuation of a soap opera of the same name Suburban Girl. Producers had decided to didn't continue the storyline and the end of the season 5 series is over, but the show's success prompted them to continue. The series is not the original, it's based on the popular American medical drama Grey's Anatomy....
Nia and Nika, accompanied by their parents, plan a New Year's trip, but their mischievous behavior leads to punishment. Instead of following their parents, they have to spend New Year's at Grandpa's house, who discover a magical locket capable of granting wishes. Opting for a private celebration, the siblings find themselves targeted by robbers hired by a collector eager to obtain the medallion. Now, the children must confront the thieves on their own...
Naughty kids are back and now they have to help Okus, the extraterrestrial being, to return on his planet the lost Moneribus....
Four mischievous children enter a virtual world. When they put on virtual glasses. They become who they want to be....
The film describes the original story. Heart + Ltd. is an organization that helps desperate and hopeless people win over the hearts of people they love....
The film tells about the summer adventure of brother and sister, Ano and Vano. At the beginning, it becomes clear that the book of fairy tales of the peoples of the world of all times brought to the State Museum of Georgia has disappeared. After this event, pictures and writings disappear from all fairy-tale books and a portrait of a one-eyed evil character appears. It is at this time that Ano and Vano, who went to the village for a vacation, begin their fabulous journey into a fantastic world, ...