Set in 2014, the anime follows the adventures of 23 years old Mafuneko, a newly minted assistant director who joins the TV production department at Tokyo Hajikko Television, only to discover that the glamorous and glitzy life of working behind-the-scenes making TV shows involves strange and inexplicable tasks such as "gathering 300 acorns" and "making a mosaic out of the images reflected in the camera lens." Despite being surrounded by chaos, set-backs, and weirdos, Mafuneko struggles to become ...
No taboo puppet show explores the often unexamined corners of Japanese society. The guests that appear on “Nehorin Pahorin” are all regular people involved in interesting subculture spaces or activities that rarely get mainstream media attention. The guarantee of anonymity enforced by the decision to turn every visitor into a pig puppet prompts those on the show to go into greater detail about their story, whether they worked as a secretary for a member of the Diet or became addicted to host cl...
A new set of six men and women start their lives together under one roof. All they get is a fabulous home and a car. As always, there is no script....
The program documents surprising reversals in life: court verdicts, sports upsets, miraculous comebacks. This real-life documentary captures moments of tears, laughter, and the discovery of courage, making it more dramatic than any scripted drama....
A varitey show named after Ryōta Yamasato....
Comedian Yamasato Ryota (Nakano Taiga) enters a cafe in order to prepare a story. Trivial incidents unfold there with the staff, TV people, the manager, and a handsome office worker. Little things bother them, and Yamasato's annoyance reaches its limit. He pulls up his glasses, opens his notebook and begins to write a story featuring a real-life actress in his notebook. For Yamasato, escaping reality is a "dream time" where he can forget the bad things. This is the start of Ryota Yamazato's fant...
The beautiful island of Oahu is host to a new batch of six strangers who share a single roof, multiple conflicts and no script in this reality series....
The bright young people of Terrace House return to Japan, where they live together and face new relationship challenges....
Six strangers share a fabulous house in Tokyo, looking for love while living under the same roof. With no script, what happens next is all up to them....
Terrace House: Boys × Girls Next Door was a Japanese reality television series in the Terrace House franchise. It originally aired on Fuji Television's "Cool TV" segment from October 12, 2012 to September 29, 2014 for eight seasons, after which a standalone movie was released as a continuation/conclusion of the show. The show took place in a modernistic house with a terrace located in the Shōnan area....
Carefully selected cute and amazing videos of animals and babies from around the world!...
Ryota Yamasato, Minami Tanaka, and Ayaka Hironaka The three too-dangerous men and women talk in-depth about the words and actions of "bruising men and women"!...
A show covering entertainment, trend news, and hot topics, featuring in-depth discussions on relevant issues, real-time viewer polls, the latest weather updates, and horoscopes....
A smartphone is found at the TV shoot for a show about the Sea of Trees near Mount Fuji. The phone contains videos of three high school girls who met online: Ami (Okuma Ami), who is suicidal, Hinata (Kohinata Setsu), who yearns to witness the instant someone dies, and Mitan (Otonari Mirei)....
The popular comedy duo "Tarinai Futari" draws the curtains on their legacy in their final "manzai" performance....
The world's boldest buccaneers set sail for the great Pirate Festival, where the Straw Hats join a mad-dash race to find Gol D. Roger's treasure. There's just one little problem: An old member of Roger's crew has a sinister score to settle....
The Ninningers come across a new enemy, Dark Doctor Mavro, a remnant of the Shadow Line, who created his own, evil version of Aka Ninger serving under him by stealing the real Aka Ninger's Nintality, and because of it, Takaharu's life is now in danger. All hope seems lost until the Ninningers meet the ToQgers, who fought and defeated the Shadow Line in the past, and it's up to them to join forces in order to overcome this new crisis....
Although Nobuyoshi and Saki just got married and moved into a new apartment, their relationship still lacks spark. Things start to change as they meet a weird fortune-teller who also happens to operate tours to hell. Without further ado the young couple books a honeymoon trip which takes them to the most bizarre, colorful and fun vision of hell you could ever dream of....
Taking place between episodes 38 and 39 of the Tomica Hero: Rescue Force television series, the film features Doktor Madu joining forces with the Neo Thera to hijack the super express train Mach Train with his Metal Train, intending to use the Mach Train in the most Super-Disaster ever....
Terrace House: Closing Door is a 2015 Japanese film that acted as a continuation/ending to the Fuji Television reality show Terrace House: Boys × Girls Next Door....
A mysterious girl named Sakura escaped after her fox friend, Shizuku was arrested. When he managed to escape, she fell to the Human World only to be found by Ichika Usami. Sakura says she is from "Sakuragahara", a world based on ancient Japan that is in danger because a mysterious evil figure named Karasu Tengu has taken over and stolen all the beautiful things in her world. She is also looking for Pretty Cure that represents Sweet, Jewels and Keys. Ichika says that she found the KiraKira PreCur...