Fora da Box is not a television show with a humorous format but rather a series of promotional sketches as part of an advertising campaign...
The portuguese adaption of UK's original talent show Britain's Got Talent, a unique format that gives anonymous people, individual or in a group, the chance to show their artistic gifts in the most diverse areas with no age restriction....
Satires and humorist sketches about everyday life and the ridiculousness of social interactions....
Satires and humorist sketches about everyday life and the ridiculousness of social interactions....
Satires and humorist sketches about everyday life and the ridiculousness of social interactions....
Satires and humorist sketches about everyday life and the ridiculousness of social interactions....
Portuguese comedian Ricardo Araujo Pereira brings his persona to this new weekly news satire program....
Gato Fedorento perform some of their most iconic comedy sketches....