1st & Ten is an American situation comedy that aired between December 1984 and January 1991 on the cable television network HBO. Featuring series regulars Delta Burke and veteran Reid Shelton, it was one of cable's first attempts to lure the lucrative sit-com audience away from the "Big Three", by taking advantage of their freedom to include occasional cursing and nudity....
An unlikely Hollywood hooker helps a detective set a trap for a mutilator pimp....
A semi-fictional account of life as a professional football player. Loosely based on the Dallas Cowboys team of the early 1970s....
A woman psychologist, who specialises in research about twins, is haunted by her dead mothers ghost....
Young Kid has been invited to a party at his friend Play's house. But after a fight at school, Kid's father grounds him. None the less, Kid sneaks out when his father falls asleep. But Kid doesn't know that three of the thugs at school have decided to give him a lesson in behavior....
U.S. Marshal Sam Gerard is accompanying a plane load of convicts from Chicago to New York. The plane crashes spectacularly, and Mark Sheridan escapes. But when Diplomatic Security Agent John Royce is assigned to help Gerard recapture Sheridan, it becomes clear that Sheridan is more than just another murderer....