Akkara Kazchakal is a Malayalam sitcom that aired on Kairali TV from 2008 to 2010. The series consisted of fifty episodes, and chronicled the lives of a middle-class Malayali family who have settled in the United States. The show was created by Abi Varghese and Ajayan Venugopalan and starred relative newcomers as the leads. The show is regarded as the first true Malayalam sitcom, and broke broadcasting conventions when it was uploaded into YouTube in its entirety by the show's creators. Akkarak...
D.P Pallickal, an amateur film maker who claims he is the next film legend. D.P has great passion, but lacks talent. His family and friends constantly make fun of his amateurishness of his masterpiece short films....
The story revolves around two spoiled youngsters, Jones and his cousin Korah and the turn of events during their vacation....
Akkarakazhchakal: The Movie is a 2011 American Malayalam film based upon the popular TV series Akkara Kazhchakal. The Thekkinmuttil family decides to send Appachan and Ammachi to an old-age home in Kerala. To take a break out of their regular lives they decide to make the long-pending trip to Niagara Falls....
The story of the Indian immigrant community in Detroit, where a garage mechanic gets unwillingly involved in the criminal world as a getaway driver....