Tokusou Robo Janperson was the 1993 installment in Toei Company Limited's Metal Hero Series. The series revolved around Janperson, a robotic detective who patrolled the streets of Tokyo and fought against three different underworld organizations who used super technology to subjugate the masses. Unlike most Metal Heroes, a monster-of-the-week was rarely shown and most of the villains are criminals akin to television police dramas. The name given to this series by Toei for international distribut...
The story follows Ryota Mizusawa, a kitchen unit salesman, and Masumi Sakaki, a hand model and single mother of two children. Due to a real estate scam, both Ryota and Masumi are sold the same apartment. To retain their new home, they decide to pose as a married couple, leading to a series of comedic and heartfelt situations as they navigate their unconventional living arrangement....
This is the second volume of a series of one-part horror dramas based on rumored haunted places, real-life stories, and accidents that occurred in various areas of Japan, and which have had a nationwide impact since being aired on Nagoya TV in July 2003....
Based on the comic by Ryou Kurashina and Issaku Wake....
With the Gyaos re-emerging, Gamera's ties to humanity have been severed with his bond to Asagi broken. Nagamine and Asagi investigate while an orphaned girl named Ayana discovers a new creature she names Iris. Nagamine and Asagi must reach Ayana before she takes her revenge on Gamera, who she blames for the death of her family....
#6 in the King of Minami series, following "Ginjiro vs. Liquidator."...
In the Daoxiu Town located in Osaka, there lived such an independent woman. Her name is Harukin Akiya (played by Naoya Nagazawa). At the age of 9, she went blind due to illness and then began learning silk and bamboo. The skill of Chunqin is superb. Although it is taught in a school, it scared away many disciples due to its stubborn and stubborn temper. The only person who never gives up on Chunqin is her servant Sasuke (played by Saito Gong), who has been guiding her since childhood. Sasuke reg...