A series that follows different women and their stories during the Qing Dynasty...
Jiang Tian leaves her hometown to work as an interior designer in Beijing. Just when everything is moving in the desired direction, Jiang Tian offends her boss and is transferred back to her hometown branch. Unexpectedly, she becomes colleagues with the 60-year-old Wu Jingfang at her new workplace. Faced with an uncomfortable workplace environment and interrupted plans to return to Beijing due to a breakup with her boyfriend, unemployed and lovelorn Jiang Tian has no choice but to stay in her ho...
Wang Man Ni is a strong-spirited lady who prides herself for having both beauty and brains and believes that she deserves better than what she has. As she falls in love with a man, she marries him immediately, yet later finds out that their differences are taking a huge toll on their relationship. Gu Jia was the homemaker behind her husband’s success from a nerdy programmer to the CEO of a company. She was also the perfect image of a full-time housewife. When another woman threatens her marriage...
At 35, Professor Zhao Dahai was a well-known psychology professor and a jury on a popular talent show. Blessed with a stunning wife and a charming daughter, he led a harmonious family life and a successful career. Such a perfect man was bound to attract attention, which understandably sparked insecurities in his wife, Zhou Meimei. Through unwavering loyalty and profound wisdom, Zhao Dahai meticulously cherished his treasured family. Facing the challenges of finding a life partner, Zhou Meimei's ...
An aspiring designer almost loses everything due to a scheme to take her down. She meets the successor of a premier jeweler that paves the way for a sizzling romance. Gao Jie has always dreamed of becoming a jewelry designer, so she packs up her bags to find work at a mining company in South America. She falls in love with Yu Zhi, the successor of Shengfeng Jewelry. Things do not go smoothly for Gao Jie after returning to China, but in order to pursue her passion, she gets a job at Shengfeng. Sh...
"Dream Home" is a large-scale decoration reality show created by Dragon TV in China. The program selects ordinary families with living difficulties throughout the country, and through the ingenuity of designers, they can complete the seemingly impossible dream of home improvement at a limited cost. The program boldly breaks through the traditional decoration style mainly based on color and soft decoration, and focuses on the transformation of space and the realization of functions. With limited ...
Luo Yining, unbound by traditional formalities, frequently stood up for her downtrodden "Third Brother" Luo Shenyuan, discovering his hidden talents in the process. After heartbreak, she aimed for independence by starting a business. Luo Shenyuan, wrongfully accused, sought the truth about his mentor's death. Grateful for Yining's support, he helped her when her business faced difficulties, and their mutual understanding grew into love....
The young monk Taka and his three disciples are captured by a demonic tree. Taka manages to escape thanks to the magic stick of Monkey King and decided to go free his companions. En route, he encounters a strange ally called Meiyan, a girl who is half-human and half monster. As Taka and his new friend set off on a fantastic adventure they will face many hardships and battles and may very well decide the fate of humanity and the entire universe......
A touching contemporary drama about the emerging Chinese middle class: When his unhappy wife leaves for a month of corporate training, a struggling young father loses his job, learns to cope with their 7 year old son, and finds unlikely salvation in the form of a cake delivery job that allows him to find his real talent and reunite with his estranged wife....