"City Japes July 1987" is a classic sitcom set in a building in the Garden City. The story revolves around three families - the Xus, the Leungs, and the Sus - who live in the same building and interact with each other. Despite occasional conflicts, the families are close-knit and share heartwarming moments. The Xus are known for their helpfulness, the Leungs are a loving couple, and the Sus have three siblings with distinctive personalities. The show features many memorable characters, including...
Looking Back in Anger was a 1989 Hong Kong TV series and one of the most watched TVB series by Chinese people in Hong Kong and around the world. Many factors contributed to the success of this series. As well as its tragic but memorable storyline, this series featured a strong cast, with Felix Wong, Deric Wan, Carina Lau, Kathy Chow Hoi-Mei and Maggie Shiu. The popular theme song of the series "Yat sang ho kau" was sung by Danny Chan and later by Deric Wan himself....
The Blood Sword is a Hong Kong television series adapted from the wuxia manhua series Chinese Hero: Tales of the Blood Sword by Ma Wing-shing. The series was produced by ATV and first aired in June 1990. It was followed by a 1991 sequel, The Blood Sword 2....
A slob becomes rich by winning the lottery, moves into a better place and hires an assistant. But he is bored with his wife and their sex life is a farce....
In the Qing Dynasty, the only people who lived in the Forbidden City are the Emperor's concubines, their maids, the eunuchs and the Emperor himself. Lee Lien Ying is an eunuch who enters the Forbidden City with a big secret. One that will have his head on the floor if the wrong people find out....
Long’s wife was raped and murdered by a senior cadre’s child. The murderer got away from the law because of his influence. Along (Zheng Haonan) was inexplicably sad and angry, but on impulse, he killed the murderer by mistake. Liang Sihao) smuggled to Hong Kong together. Long and Wen arrived in Hong Kong after a lot of hard work, but they fell into the hands of the snakehead group. They were used by the gangster, Akun, to work as a black market worker on a construction site. Akun not only seized...
A country boy becomes the head of a gang through the purchase of some lucky roses from an old lady. He and a singer at the gang's nightclub try to do a good deed for the old lady when her daughter comes to visit....
A family suffers at the hands of the Japanese during the occupation of Hong Kong. On December 25, 1941, the Japanese army occupied Hong Kong. The pawnshop owner, Luo Kai has three daughters, the eldest daughter Wangdi, the second daughter Xindi, and the youngest daughter Aidi. When the Japanese army captured Kowloon, Aidi was violently tortured by the Japanese army and suffered a mental disorder. Xindi followed his lover Shen Fang to rescue the wounded in the temporary hospital. In order to cur...
A film about the ups and downs of a beautiful young lass named Jenny and her never ending pursuit of a boyfriend....
After a giant dinosaur skull is stolen, the head of the Chinese secret police decides to assign the case to the force's most incompetent reject: a rural butcher who stands around all day drinking martinis (shaken, not stirred). With a trunkload of insanely useless gadgets and a contact who constantly tries to kill him, the young agent must locate the skull and find out just what is going on here....
A man lost his life and tea house because he was set up by a underworld boss in gambling. Now his ghost comes back for revenge....
Samurai and Smiling Sam are two famous martial arts masters in Central China. On the night before the big martial arts competition, someone murders the Empress, and the two swordsmen are framed for the crime. Determined to clear their name, they soon uncover a heinous plot that must be stopped. Meanwhile, a third swordsman, Big Knife, tries to track the pair down so he can join their fight....