Life Sahi Hai' is a sitcom that revolves around the lives of four guys who have moved to Delhi to live independently for the first time. They have a tendency to land in uncomfortable and what for us are hilarious, situations all the time. While dealing with bosses, girlfriends and with each other, these guys end up in such challenging situations, which only they are capable of landing themselves in. While they are getting used to the newfound freedom, they realize that freedom isn't free.[3] But...
This show revolves around a middle-class Sharma family. There's a gossip-loving grandmother, a hardworking father, a sanskaari mom, and two grown up kids who are dealing with their middle-classness in the best way possible....
When Iraq invades Kuwait in August, 1990, a callous Indian businessman becomes the spokesperson for more than 170,000 stranded countrymen....
A Kabaddi player rescues a young woman from an unwanted marriage and hides her in his home....
Dev's girlfriend leaves him on the night he was planning to propose to her. Months later, a private investigator is trying to track her down....