A comedy-drama following a chaste young woman who is accidentally impregnated via artificial insemination as she struggles to inform her devoutly religious family and make the right choices concerning the child. Based on the telenovela "Juana la virgen."...
Shadows can't hurt you can they?...
“Do you want to know how the world will end?”...
A long time ago, in a place now known as the eighties, in Puerto Rico you were either a “cocolo”, somebody who listened to music from the ghetto and the streets, or a “rockero”, those who listened to American pop music. Javier is a “cocolo” who’s trying to find the courage to ask out the girl of his dreams. Laura, the prettiest “rockera” in their school, is trying to regain her popularity after her friends reject her for being a flirt. During a mix up at their high school, Laura and Javier are f...
The love of two young people is prevented by the envy and resentment of a greedy man and his evil son....