Two women share a tragic and supernatural destiny that binds them together even after death. Monica Serrano, a world-renowned pianist with an impressive fortune, dies after the betrayal of her ambitious niece and the man she loves. But by way of a mysterious talisman, Monica's soul, which does not accept departing from this world, occupies the body of Adriana Aguilar, a modest waitress that dies at the hands of a dangerous gangster. Now, in Adriana's body, Monica's soul will do the impossible to...
Amores De Mercado is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo and RTI Colombia. This limited-run series ran for 125 episodes from June 14, 2006 to January 12, 2007. It aired in Europe and the Middle East on Zone Romantica. This show was retitled simply Amores in mid-run. Head writer Basilio Alvarez was replaced by Eric Vonn and the storylines and characters went in a new direction. When Telemundo reaired the show in daytime in 2009, the shor...
Marisa, a brave and hard-working young mother, moves to New York City, following her young son’s dream. While there, she lives out situations typical of all immigrants, but a twist of fate and confusion lead her to true love with Cristobal. When everything seems to start coming together for this love story to take place, the jealousy and envy of others strives to separate them....
El cuerpo del Deseo also known as Second Chance is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by Telemundo and Film in Florida. This limited-run series is about a man who comes back from the dead and discovers dark secrets about his beautiful widow. The first version of El cuerpo del Deseo was En Cuerpo Ajeno produced by RTI Colombia in 1992.This telenovela was aired in 25 countries around the world....
Set in the 1990s, these are the life and times of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a man who became the head of the Juárez cartel. Nicknamed “El Señor de los Cielos” (Lord of the Skies) because of the large fleet of airplanes he used to transport drugs, he was also known for washing more than $200 million through Colombia to finance his huge fleet. He is described as the most powerful drug trafficker of his time....
A young woman’s quest for happiness is marred by the secrets and deceptions perpetuated by an evil family. Eva González (Blanca Soto) came to Los Angeles with her father and sister in search of a better life. She goes to work as the personal attendant to Julio Arismendi, the ailing founder of Publicidad Arismendi, unknowingly becoming a pawn to kill him by his wife, Marcela (Susana Dosamantes). When the beautiful Eva catches the eye of Julio’s son, Leonardo Arismendi (Julian Gil), and his best f...
The elite agents at The Oppenheim Group sell the luxe life to affluent buyers in LA. Relationships are everything, and that often means major drama....
A cheating couple ends up stranded on a boat in the open sea....