The series follows the lives of three brothers as they struggle through the turbulent political period before the war. They become part of the first-generation immigrant entrepreneurial path in Qingdao. The story began in 1904 when the Jinan Railway opened and ends with the outbreak of war in 1937....
This is a love story between a ‘weirdo’, the novelist, Liang Ze and a ‘nice guy’, the pet shop owner, Hang Hang. Both of them know each other through Hang Hang’s online pet shop and meet each other for the first time in No.10 YanDaiXie Street, the address of Hang Hang’s physical store. Their funny story begins with the inquiry of Liang Ze to Hang Hang on something about his beloved chinchillas....
Echoes of Destiny: Three Heroes of Jining" is a captivating play that draws inspiration from the lives of Huang Zirong, Song Lusheng, and Yang Chunzao, prominent figures in the early Republic of China. Set in the tumultuous era of political upheaval and social change, the play explores their personal struggles, sacrifices, and triumphs as they navigate through a rapidly evolving China. This gripping tale of resilience, friendship, and the pursuit of ideals showcases the indomitable human spirit ...