Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from the various field. So far, many of idol stars and famous actors have appeared on the show. The show introduces viewers to exotic locations around the world where celebrities must work together in order to complete missions and survive. The cast celebrities travel to less habituated, natural places to survive on the...
"RE:VERSE", a female virtual idol reality competition starring contestants who are idol group members in real life. Giving them the opportunity to have a debut in the real world and now the virtual world. 30 idols will compete as a virtual character made through virtual reality and motion capture technology....
The story of Ji-ho, a timid and helpless high school boy without a dream, who struggles to save the shop by meeting the black witch Hae-na, the owner of a witch shop that is on the verge of closing....
In this unique new survival program format, 45 male trainees will enter an extreme outdoor bootcamp, where they must survive rigorous physical training and reach the "top of the food pyramid" in order to earn a chance at debuting. The show will give birth to a new type of "wild idol" group through a never-before-seen survival contest....
Male celebs play make-believe as high schoolers, welcoming star transfer students every week and engaging in battles of witty humor and slapstick....
Male celebs play make-believe as high schoolers, welcoming star transfer students every week and engaging in battles of witty humor and slapstick....
Master Key is an interactive variety show where celebrities compete with one another and play various games in order to achieve victory each week. The players have to find those who have the two Master Keys, reasoning through an intense psychological warfare. The viewers become "Watchers" and participate in the game as well. By the number of votes, each star receives special abilities. Who will be chosen by the Watchers and become the final winner?...
A variety show where Kim Hee Chul invites guests out for a drink....
K-pop stars who are full-time “butlers” of their precious “bosses” capture special moments with their pets! It’s an opportunity for the stars and global fans to get together and communicate as they show off their bosses....
A reality and competition show where members are joined by celebs to complete a weekly mission to win the race with Seoul as the beautiful backdrop....
Find out all about your favorite K-pop idol groups! Hosted by the “idol experts”, Jeong Hyeong-don and Defconn!...
You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook is a Korean pop music program that is both a talk show and live music show. The host of this program is You Hee-yeol, also known as Toy, a one-man project band. This program has aired since April 24, 2009....
An annual end-of-the-year music program broadcast by Korean Broadcasting System, replacing the KBS Music Awards....
Idol specialized MC Jung Hyung Don and MC Jang Sung Kyu attach everything in the world with K-POP idol stars! Multinational K-Pop idol stars compete in an ingenious quiz competition, to show their talent as the quiz genius beyond themselves as the idol genius. The quiz show that crosses a border of Idol Star, Idol on the Quiz!...
Weekly Idol is back with all new hosts. Cho Sae Ho, Hwang Kwang Hee and Nam Chang Hee are sticking together as a new unit group for Weekly Idol, a.k.a CKN Trio, to turn the idol world upside down! Get ready for their hot debut! Cho Sae Ho transforms himself into an idol expert. The hottest entertainer in the show business is marching into the idol world after taking over variety shows and he's more than ready to dominate the show with his amazing look and talents. They say idols understand each ...
2020 GFriend Online Concert 'GFriend C:ON' is an online concert by GFriend. The announcement was released on October 6 including the promotional cover and the date of the concert....
New Normal is a captured record of 4 days in Seoul, 2022, which is a time of chaos that all the mankind never have been experienced before in entire human history. It depicts the unexpected risks and identity of fears that are hidden in everyday life and common space....
2020 Pepsi Online Showcase - For the Love of the Republic of Korea featured NU'EST, GFriend, Seventeen, Kang Daniel, and more. Though no audience will be present due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the concert will be released as a DVD, and proceeds will be donated to charities under the participating idols' names. The show was broadcasted live on TikTok and the LG U+ Idol Live app on June 27 at 8PM KST....
The ‘2021 NEW YEAR’S EVE LIVE presented by Weverse’ will be held as both an online live-streaming and offline (in-person) performance event on December 31(Thur), 2020. ‘2021 NEW YEAR’S EVE LIVE presented by Weverse’ will be the first concert to feature Big Hit Labels artists in one grand event, capped with the countdown to welcome in the new year. Celebrate the last day of this year and usher in the first day of the new year with ‘2021 NEW YEAR’S EVE LIVE presented by Weverse [We’ve Connected]’,...
Celebrating their career through four unique acts (Glass, Flower, Awake & Parallel) and solo performances, the South Korean girl group GFriend performs the group greatest hits and fan favorites in their first asian tour....
Go Go GFriend! is GFriend's 2nd Asia tour. The tour was held at South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan....
With more songs and new special stages, the South Korean girl group GFriend perform songs from their mini albums 'Time for the Moon Night' and 'Sunny Summer' on the encore shows of the asian tour 'Season of GFriend'....