When a dark secret from this past threatens to be exposed, unorthodox and brilliant medical examiner, Doctor Daniel Harrow, must use all his forensic skills to keep it buried forever....
Dr Lucien Blake left Ballarat as a young man. But now he finds himself returning to take over not only his dead father's medical practice, but also his on-call role as the town's police surgeon, only to find change is afoot, nothing is sacred, and no one is safe....
A group of teenagers attending a weekly music camp decides to form a band. They found out that the transformative, uplifting power of music and friendship, can unite them together to define themselves on their own terms....
The Saddle Club is a children's television series based on the books written by Bonnie Bryant Like the book series, the scripted live action series follows the lives of three teenage girls in training to compete in equestrian competitions at the fictional Pine Hollow Stables, while dealing with problems in their personal lives. Throughout the series, The Saddle Club navigates their rivalry with Veronica, training for competitions, horse shows, and the quotidian dramas that arise between friends...
Party Tricks is an Australian television series set to screen on Network Ten in 2014. The six part series follows the story of Kate Ballard, a committed and rigorous politician who seems assured to become the next State Premier until a shock new opposition leader is selected, David McLeod, a popular television and radio personality. Kate and David had a secret, tumultuous affair. The six part drama is created by Michael Lucas and produced by John Edwards and Imogen Banks for Southern Star Entert...
Our lady sleuth sashays through the back lanes and jazz clubs of late 1920’s Melbourne, fighting injustice with her pearl handled pistol and her dagger sharp wit. Leaving a trail of admirers in her wake, our thoroughly modern heroine makes sure she enjoys every moment of her lucky life. Based on author Kerry Greenwood's Phryne Fisher Murder Mystery novels....
Sometimes it takes a tragedy to change a person....
A young man's friends and family begin to fade away as his fascination with the extra-terrestrial consumes him....
After years of abuse a wife decides to do the unthinkable to her husband....