Ne'elamim (The Missing) is a compelling young adult skewed thriller which follows Emma and Alon, a brother and sister who move to a small town and quickly find out that nothing is quite as it seems in their new neighborhood, which is awash with murky happenings. The ground water supply has been geologically poisoned, and three teenagers from their high school died under mysterious circumstances a few months earlier - but when an unexplainable photograph of them surfaces, the siblings begin to do...
After a flight from Tel Aviv to Bangkok vanishes in mid-air, with no signs of an explosion, crash or hijacking, the entire world is left mesmerised. Yonatan Georgy is a recently blind intelligence officer returning to work, tasked with investigating the plane's disappearance - with his wife and children on board. At the same time, families of the passengers start realising they didn't know their loved ones as well as they thought....
Following a weird dream he had, Prosper takes his entire neighborhood to the grave of the Baba Sali in Netivot, but the driver took a wrong turn....
Sassi is more than 20 years older than his wife Effi and is worried about his declining powers. Surgery has left him seeking treatment for impotence, but Effi insists she’s content with their emotional closeness. In her work as a physical therapist, though, Effi sees the link between body and heart every day. The biggest challenge to their loving relationship has been the gambling debts Sassi’s adult son keeps running up. But the couple’s fragile understanding, compounded by the presence of two ...