Hu Tian is a 25-year-old delinquent leading a carefree life with Xiao Jin Ya, whom he considers to be like a sister. One day, a mysterious woman named Bing Lun appears with news of his long-lost parents, who disappeared for more than 20 years. A man named Lei Li also appears and claims to be a friend of his father. Along with his new-found friends, Hu Tian sets out on an expedition to find his long-lost family; while figuring out how to differentiate friend and foes....
This drama is adaption of Kennedy Xu's novel series"Grave Robbers’ Chronicles". 50 years ago, a group of Changsha grave robbers dug out manuscripts of the location of treasures from Warring states, but an encounter with an undead rendered almost the whole group dead. In the present, the young grandchild of the sole survivor, Wu Xie, discovers a secret within his grandfather's notes. Together with his third uncle, Wu Sansheng, and a few other experienced tomb robbers, to search for the treasure. ...
Set in Jiudaowan, this story follows a group of young people over 40 years of reform and opening up. Through life's struggles, the twists and turns of love, and the challenges of their careers, these true friends face it all together, growing and maturing into adulthood....
Since witnessing the death of his wife in a shipwreck, Zhang Yang, who has spent half of his life at sea, vowed never to set foot in the ocean again. However, on his daughter's 12th birthday, Zhang Yang, who could not resist his best friend's persuasion to fulfil his daughter's wish, broke his vow and participated in a sea smuggling and embarked on an ocean liner that was no different from a steel prison. At the same time, a horrible accident happened, a deep sea monster that has never been seen...
Time Raiders is based on the online novel series Daomu Biji written by Xu Lei. It tells the story of explorers searching for the secrets of immortality in ancient tombs...
To Qiu Shui, a young lad in his most hungry, curious, and restless 20s, the whole world feels a little erotic. Studying at China's top medical college, he can break down men's carnal impulses with solid human anatomy knowledge but can't grasp the inner desire that draws him to three disparate romantic interests-the fairy-like hometown first love, the marriageable college girlfriend, and the sensuous working woman....
Coming Soon. Soon Wukong...