Life Sahi Hai' is a sitcom that revolves around the lives of four guys who have moved to Delhi to live independently for the first time. They have a tendency to land in uncomfortable and what for us are hilarious, situations all the time. While dealing with bosses, girlfriends and with each other, these guys end up in such challenging situations, which only they are capable of landing themselves in. While they are getting used to the newfound freedom, they realize that freedom isn't free.[3] But...
Rahul, Gullu and Shampy are living the perfect bachelor life in their bachelor pad. Everything goes for a toss when Kamya enters Rahul life and takes the bachelor house for a toss....
In 2014, India successfully placed a craft in orbit around Mars. Set in Mission Control during the final minutes of the mission, Mission Mars tells the story of the team of scientists and engineers who pulled off the impossible....