Three years ago, a disappearance case, known as the "Joker Case," was suddenly closed without being solved. Ichiro Kunishita, an investigator from the Public Security Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department who was called for a reunion of the investigation, is ordered to take on a completely different mission. He is assigned to spy on and monitor Shiro Hanabusa, the young head of a designated gang clan. He is said to be a man of many mysteries who has risen to the rank of Wakagashira ...
Since his mother died, Minowa (Matsu) left his hometown because of his father's irresponsible ways. 10 years later, he hears that his father has died. He goes back to his hometown as 30-year-old man who doesn't have a regular job....
Mifuyu is a high school student. Her mom suffers from a severe illness, which causes Mifuyu to spend most of her time taking care of her and doing housework. She doesn't think about her future after high school. Mifuyu's mom dies, her dad brings his girlfriend to their house and kicks Mifuyu out. Mifuyu goes to the home where her mom's cousin lives, in a high-class residential area in Tokyo....
Drama about a group of people who desperately want to get married and to find the other half go to various parties. The main character, Hasumi Rika is professionally fulfilled woman of about forty, which, however, still lives at home with her mother....
20-year-old Ozawa Tsubasa has been helping out in the eatery that her mother Yukiko runs in a port town in the Tohoku region. She loves songs and secretly wishes to become a singer. However, she is on the verge of giving up that dream since it is practically impossible. Seeing her mother keep on working despite the hardships as well as the deserted town, she doubts that dreams and wishes come true. But one day, Tsubasa travels back in time to Tokyo in the year 1975 in an unexpected way. She meet...
A mother leaves three kids in the care of Saejima and it's up to Onizuka and the gang to track her down. Meanwhile Miki is having some problems with her dad all the while a handsome and mysterious cram school teacher appears....
Live DVD release from EXILE featuring "EXILE TRIBE Live Tour 2012 Tower Of Wish." The tour features not only EXILE but also EXILE ATSUSHI, DJ MAKIDAI, DANCE EARTH (USA), MATSU Bocchi, Nidaime J Soul Brothers, Sandaime J Soul Brothers and E-Grils. Includes tour documentary, too....
Azusa and Kanami have been best friends since high school. After Kanami dies in an unexpected accident, Azusa despairs yet finds comfort in sending text messages to Kanami’s cellphone. Kanami’s parents wonder about Azusa’s identity, and upon visiting the orphanage that their dead daughter cared about, are moved by her good deeds....
This movie tell a story that set in a small fishing village in Shikamachi, Ishikawa Prefecture. People in this village depend on the local amateur orchestra as their favorite source of entertainment. When the conductor dies unexpectedly, the townspeople recruit the man’s granddaughter, a high school student with a talent for conducting....
Ryoro Kurojima (Sadao Abe) is the director of a Tokyo apology center. His job is to teach others how to apologize. Ryoro Kurojima solves problems by using his apology techniques on anything from simple arbitration to a national crisis....