Blue and small, standing only three apples high, the Smurfs might be hard to tell apart at first. However, each Smurf is a distinct individual with his or her own personality, their names say it all...
Each episode contains three theatrical Looney Tunes cartoons and an animated direct-to-video Scooby-Doo film with new linking sequences created by removing all the dialogue from existing Warner Brothers' movie or television show, and replacing it with an entirely new recording, the scenes being reedited to fit the fictional studio setting of the show....
At the birthday party of an old King closer to the end of his life than the beginning, a mysterious witch interrupts the festivities and kidnaps several children, including the young princess of the Kingdom. Despite his advanced age, his tired bones and his apparent weakness, the King decides to take up arms one last time, to go and rescue the children. This is how he embarks on what will be his very last adventure, accompanied by his old comrades, also crumbling, but more than ever motivated to...
In the 17th century, under Louis XIII, the policy of Cardinal de Richelieu aimed at the definitive establishment of a monarchic power, and gave rise to a struggle against the great feudal lords, who favored a weak central power. Numerous conspiracies against the Cardinal were led by the high nobility. The one led by Henri Coiffier de Ruzé d'Effiat, marquis de Cinq-Mars, was the last and most famous of them....
Alex Berthier would love to be a famous songwriter. Meanwhile, he has to cope with unemployment, a witty 12 years old son and a rich and cute heiress who tries to help Alex as much as he tries to escape her: she brings nothing but trouble ! Fortunately, luck will strike again....
A true sports story that utterly defies the odds, Duguay’s film captures the wild ups and downs of the Olympics-bound career of legendary equine star Jappeloup and his troubled rider, locked in a tense relationship with his horseman father and forever uncertain of his own skills as an equestrian...
La Patinoire is about a film director who is shooting a highly symbolic film called 'Dolores' at an ice rink. He has hired a Lithuanian ice hockey team with which he is having enormous communication problems. His actors all have inflated egos, his film crew is made up of fools, and there is a politician on his back. But he must finish the film, no matter what, in time for the Venice Film Festival....
The countryside isn't always as calm and peaceful as it's made out to be, and the animals on this farm are particularly agitated: a fox who mothers a family of chicks, a rabbit who plays the stork, and a duck who wants to be Santa Claus....
Empire of China. 12th century. The King Demons terrorize the land. To defeat these monsters, one needs the courage of a hundred tigers, the strength of a thousand buffalo, the cunning of as many snakes... and have the luck of the devil. All young Prince Duan has are fanciful illusions and stoutness. All Zhang-the-Perfect has is his monk's staff and a bunch of incomprehensible proverbs. All the little beggar Pei Pei has is the gift of the gab and a large appetite. But, most of all, Prince Du...
Al, a young man from a modest background is about to marry his boss’ daughter, along with succeeding him as the head of a car dealership. One night, while coming back from his bachelor party, he is guilty of a hit-and-run accident, urged by his two childhood friends present in the car. The next day, gnawed with guilt, Al decides to inquire about his victim. What he does not know is that Juliette, a young woman, has witnessed the entire accident from her balcony....