C.O.P.S. is an American animated television series released by DIC Entertainment and Celebrity Home Entertainment. This cartoon, which ran from 1988–1989, used the tag line: "Fighting crime in a future time, protecting Empire City from Big Boss and his gang of crooks". In 1993, the series was shown in reruns on CBS Saturday mornings as CyberCOPS, the name change due to the 1989 debut of the unrelated primetime reality show of the same name. The show was based on Hasbro's 1988 line of action figu...
The New Archies is a children's television cartoon, based upon the long-running Archie comic books and characters. The series, produced by DIC Entertainment and originally airing on NBC, re-imagined Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, and the other teenage students of Riverdale High School as pre-teens in junior high. Thirteen episodes of the show were produced, which all aired during the show's first and only season in 1987 and were repeated in 1989. A sh...
Garbage Pail Kids is a Canadian-American cartoon series which was produced in 1987, based on the popular Garbage Pail Kids trading cards, produced and directed by Bob Hathcock and co-written and developed by Flint Dille. Due to controversial themes, it never aired in the United States. However, it did air in most countries in Europe....
The Raccoons is a Canadian animated television series which was originally broadcast from 1985 to 1991 with three preceding television specials from its inception in 1980 and one direct to video special in 1984. The franchise was created by Kevin Gillis with the co-operation of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation....
A horror film about a screenwriter who loses the ability to distinguish between his fantasy world and the real world, with disastrous consequences. As he ruminates on his place in any world and loses his grip, he also loses his wife and his children's respect, and critics tear him apart. The final undoing of this screenwriter is a deadline that must be met at all costs, costs that perhaps are too great....
John Gotti, the head of a small New York mafia crew breaks a few of the old family rules. He rises to become the head of the Gambino family and the most well-known mafia boss in America. Life is good, but suspicion creeps in, and greed, rule-breaking and his high public profile all threaten to topple him....
Three aliens from an unknown planet, who bear a strong resemblance to the Biblical Magi, visit earth to know the true meaning of Christmas. Peter, a young boy, and Lucy, his goose, are the first to encounter them. Unable to find the true meaning of Christmas in town, Peter takes them to his family's house in the woods. While Peter's grandmother tells the aliens about her memories of Christmas, Marvin, one of the town's bullies, steals Lucy. In the chase to rescue Lucy, Marvin falls through the i...
This comedy chronicles the many crazy sexploits of Xaveria Hollander, the notorious "Happy Hooker."...
Buck, stolen from his California home, is sold as a sled dog in the 1890's Klondike Gold Rush. Abused, he is rescued by John Thornton, who forms a bond with Buck. Thornton is murdered. Buck avenges him and must make a crucial decision....
Spanning years of both Harry and Leona Helmsley's cutthroat control of their eponymonous empire, this made-for-TV movie chronicles both the high and low points of the couple's life together....
A futuristic rebel becomes a Humphrey Bogart character after watching repeated reruns of Casablanca....
New York urologist Harold Lear gets a taste of his own medicine when he suffers a heart attack and is confronted with a medical institution which doesn't seem equipped to help. Wife Martha steps in to fight the system and get a measure of service and compassion. Ultimately the greatest battle is not waged against the medical profession, however, but against Lear's own failing body and his own mortal fears....
After young Clara receives a wooden nutcracker as a Christmas gift, she dreams about a fantastical battle between her Nutcracker Prince and the evil Mouse King. At stake is the Nutcracker's freedom - and Clara's future happiness....
Burt, a clever ex-con, has changed his identity and has managed to land a job as a deputy in small town in upstate New York. On the 4th of July, while the drunken Sheriff Paisley is busy with the local parade and festivities, Burt quietly steals a million dollars in cash from the cellar safe in the local rich old widow's house. Unsuspected, Burt makes plans to live the rest of his life in the lap of luxury in a far off place with his attractive girlfriend, local hash house waitress Jeanette. But...
In this Sci-fi Comedy a gentle video clerk has a secret double life as an intergalactic crime-fighter who must stop an evil alien from stealing the hair off human heads....