In the year 2000, Dr. Boyton creates a super-robot in his deceased son's image. He calls the robot Astro Boy. Astro Boy can swim oceans, leap over mountains, even fly into space on his own power. However, Astro Boy can't replace his son. Dr. Boyton becomes dissatisfied with the boy robot and disowns him. Astro Boy is befriended by Dr. Packadermus J. Elefun of the Institute of Science, who guides him through his adventures. Endowed with super strength, rocket-powered flight, a selfless heart and...
The first animated adaptation of the 1960s gag manga series, focusing on the adventures of the identical 10-year-old Matsuno sextuplets, led by the titular brother himself. Aside from the Matsunos, the series also showcases the tales of their rival Chibita, and the constantly job-switching conman Iyami....
The series explored the adventures of Kum-Kum, a naughty boy in primeval times, and his friends as they grow up, often playing antics that surprise the occasional visitor to their village, and which almost always end up with Kum-Kum being grounded by his stern father, Paru Paru....
This was the first episode of Mushi Pro Land, a unique series of 60-minute animated programs. It was also Japan's first 60-minute animated TV program. However, the series never materialized and only this episode was actually aired. The story follows Stevenson's "Treasure Island," featuring characters in the form of animals. For example, the pirate Silver is illustrated as a wolf, where the main character Jim is changed into a rabbit. This has, therefore, nothing to do with the "New Treasure Isla...
Junai Monogatari AKA Story of Pure Love is about two poor youths, Mitsuko and Kando, rebelling against society in various ways, who are desperately trying to be together despite tortuous circumstances. The film depicts their lives as thieves, menial laborers who can get little pay, society outcasts, and of course, lovers. Junai Monogatari depicts, mostly, their struggles within the Japanese reformatory system and Mitsuko's worsening sickness....
In the wake of the 1956 Prostitution Prevention Law, a young woman recently release from one of Japan's new rehabilitation centers struggles to build a new life....