Ek Jhoothi Love Story is an Urdu language Zindagi Original series starring Bilal Abbas Khan and Madiha Imam and written by Umera Ahmed. In their quest to find a perfect life partner, Salma and Sohail, create fake profiles with pseudonyms Natalia and Nofil....
Meem Se Mohabbat, a love story that promises profundity and resonate with viewers of all ages. At its core, ‘Meem Se Mohabbat’ is a moving exploration of how love can bloom in the most unexpected circumstances....
Good Morning, Karachi is the story of a young girl (Amna Ilyas) who wants to be a model while struggling towards her dream against the backdrop of the Benazir Bhutto assassination....
A woman who takes care of her aging parents and their land is joined by her sister when their parents' health worsens....
The story follows a young man on a quest to find his true love in a crowded Karachi neighbourhood. He must overcome the obstacles, both spiritual and physical, to achieve his goals....