Follows the story of six young individuals who work hard to achieve their dreams and also dream of loving someone special and being loved as well. Amora, Bento and Fabio were raised at an orphanage at Capo Verde by Gilson and his wife, Selma. They each took their own path in life when Amora was adopted by actress Barbara Ellen, Fabio with a broke family in the countryside and Bento grew up to become a florist in a cooperative with Gilson, Selma and Giane, a childhood friend Who secretly has a cr...
Aluízio Li is a martial arts fan who lives with his head in the world of fights from dreaming and watching Chinese films. He believes he is a Shaolin monk, dressing and behaving just like his cinematic references. However, he is the subject of mocking jokes in his hometown, Quixadá, in the backlands of Ceará. His days of peace will end when retired MMA fighter Toni Tora Pleura announces a "tour" of challenges to bullies in several cities in the interior of Ceará, including Quixadá....
Osso experiences three major dilemmas in his life: at the same time as he dreams of being successful in a band made up of unstable and immature young people, he also seeks to get closer to his parents and rebuild a relationship....