Mord mit Aussicht is a German satirical crime comedy television series, produced by ARD, following the adventures of Sophie Haas, a detective from the city that takes a job in the fictional country village of Hengasch. Much of the humour of the series derives from the clichés of both city and provincial lives, in a similar manner to the English comedy crime series Midsomer Murders....
"Dr. Klein" is a medical and family TV series, which moves between great emotion and humor. Valerie Klein is 1,32 meter tall and the only doctor in the children's hospital, who meets the small patients at eye level. There are many conflicts to solve both at work and at home with her family....
Lutter is a German television series....
Danni Lowinski is a former hairdresser who has graduated in law. When she does not get a job at a law firm, she starts to give legal advice from the basement of a shopping mall....
Series written by Christiane Sadlo about writer and journalist under the pseudonym "Inga Lindström" and her family. Characterized by impressive landscapes, all of which are shot on location in Sweden. Series has no continuous storyline, and each episode is filled with new characters....
The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city....
The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city....
The SOKO Stuttgart team investigates analytically and with sensitivity in the likeable state capital. The exciting cases of the series lead them to bizarre crime scenes and to different milieus....
Shows the interaction between Hamburg police officers and paramedics....
Ein Fall für zwei is a German television series, which premiered on September 11, 1981 on ZDF. The series, located in Frankfurt am Main, features two main characters who solve crimes: a defense attorney and a private investigator. Josef Matula, a former German police officer, has gone into private business. His method of investigation is very effective and direct, and he sometimes even resorts to dirty tricks. Claus Theo Gärtner has portrayed the role since the start of the series....
Pastewka is a German television sitcom that began airing on German TV channel Sat.1 in 2005. The series, currently in its sixth season, is set in Cologne, with German actor Bastian Pastewka starring as a fictionalized version of himself. It has been compared to Seinfeld and Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm. The series was awarded, among others, the Rose d'Or and the German Television Prize. Series was directed by Joseph Orr and Jan Markus Linhof....
Stolberg is a German detective television series, starring chief inspector Martin Stolberg. The series is more serious and less flashy than other contemporary German detective series....
Felix Winterberg is the great-great-grandson of the famous Albert Einstein and himself a recognized physics genius. Because of a deadly hereditary disease, the brilliant researcher only has a few years left - which he wants to make as labor-intensive as possible thanks to various illegal stimulants....
The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city....
Lawyer Falk returns to work after a downtime as a gastronome....
A chronicle of KLM Dutch Royal Airlines founder Albert Plesman and pioneering aircraft manufacturer Anthony Fokker's symbiotic but tempestuous bond as they struggle to establish the interwar Netherlands' role in global civil aviation....
Based on Tommy Jaud's bestselling novel, this comedy focuses on a dispassionate clerk and his set-backs in life. 29-year-old Simon works in a phone shop, but his thoughts just circle around finding a new girl-friend after being left by his last one year ago. While his Croatian cleaner tries to procure him, his efforts to chat up women in clubs also fail. However, he finds the woman of his dreams (and mother of their future children) in his most hated coffee shop, although not having a clue how t...
Former boxing world champion Kai Burdenski is up to his ears in debt and can neither pay rent nor electricity for his boxing school. This is tragic not least because he trains teenagers from youth welfare, for whom his run-down hall has become a home. In particular, the young, talented asylum seeker Samy, who lost her entire family while fleeing Afghanistan, has taken Burdenski under his wing. It doesn't take long for bailiff Billy Kuckuck to understand that the former boxing professional is mor...
The recruiter Tom Moreno are familiar with women and how they, after you won it for themselves, going on at the latest after the third time back to. As ELISA, the new art director of his agency, doesn't want to exit on this scam, Tom falls into a crisis of meaning. But even his friends have to contend with their problems: Vince finds his wife in Tom's bed. By Tom's mother, Luke learns that sex is not a solution. Tom's roommate Paule fell into a tie holder and mutated by the buddy type to the Fem...
As Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels creates films and pictures used to prepare the Germans for Total War and the Holocaust. When the war is lost, he conceives his last staging, the most radical propaganda act still possible to him....
A murder in a circle of friends makes Bonn florist Peggy Schenk Miss Marple of the Rhine...
From a new beginning! Only after she has inherited the inheritance does Lisa realize that her deceased father's inn is heavily in debt. Her only way out: a holiday park, at whose investor she could sell the inn. But to build the park, he would also need the property of the stubborn pensioner Eleonore, who does not want to sell. Until Lisa discovers Eleonore's weakness for singer Nico Hölter and senses a chance to change her mind. The deal: Nico Hölter gives a concert to Eleonore in underwear, an...
The employee of a pharmaceutical company and lover of the managing director should provide for the medical release of a new contraceptive pill with dangerous side effects....
25 years of coma lie behind the hard-hitting policeman Mick Brisgau, as he awakens in a world unknown to him....