This TV series tells the legendary story of heroic figure Xie Yunting. In order to rescue his compatriots and deliver important intelligence, he stages a life-and-death race against time within 72 hours....
What happens when a time blip brings an all-purpose, ultra-tech mobile phone from 2060 and Journey to the West characters from ancient China to 2006? Loopy adventures abound in the new Mainland drama Magic Mobile Phone starring swordsman regular Vincent Jiao Enjun (The Tearful Sword) in his first modern drama. Trading in his sword for a superhero cape, Jiao has to save earth from being destroyed by the Bull Demon in this CGI-laden roly-poly mix of fantasy, adventure, sci-fi, and comedy. Joining...
At the house of a famous Chinese botanist teacher his daughter and a female intern fall in love with each other - a forbidden love that must be kept secret....
Mouth, Monkey, and Jason are your average teenagers with a love for the game of basketball. On the last day of school, they get on the wrong side of Li Wei, the captain of the high school basketball team. Li Wei & his entourage swear to make the boys' summer break a living hell. The conflict reaches a high point in the finals of the Adidas annual 3-on-3 street basketball tournament. Will the boys win back their pride against the biggest bullies on the court?...