The story of the Boesman family's attempt to survive in the city of Ghent during the first world war focusing on each of the five family member's different experiences...
Professor Jasper Tempest, a genius Cambridge University criminologist with OCD and an overbearing mother, advises the police. British version of the Belgian crime drama of the same name....
Desperate for funds, Ferry Bouman stumbles upon a golden opportunity when a high-profile bust leaves a vacant position among Brabant's top dealers....
A routine raid led by Emer Berry, a detective in the Irish Criminal Assets Bureau, reveals that a small-time drug dealer has been receiving substantial funding from a seemingly untraceable source – not in cash, but in rough diamonds. When these diamonds are linked to a series of bombings in Belgium, Emer is forced to work with Police Commissioner Christian De Jong....
Five guys spent their time in prison. Some of them even for murder. Now they want to run a restaurant called Amigo's. But not everything goes how it was supposed to go....
When a nuclear plant is sabotaged, the power grid in Belgium crashes. Prime Minister Annemie Hillebrand is forced to prolong the blackout, otherwise her daughter -who has been kidnapped- will die. Can Michael Dendoncker of the counter terrorism unit, rescue the girl in a country that's off the grid....
A group of friends reunite after 30 years to climb the Mont Ventoux again. Memories to a happy youth but also new discoveries from the past. One person is not present at the reunion. Why is that? What happened?...
November 1914, the front in Flanders. In a partially destroyed aid station, the wounded French soldier François is the only one left. He lies on a field bed and has an open wound in the side. Suddenly, he sees the silhouette of a figure with a pointed helmet on its head looming....
Steven and Abdel, two young Belgians, leave for Syria. One as a journalist, the other as a fighter. Yet they have more in common than you might think....
Richard has an unusual fantasy: he gets sexually aroused by the idea of being devoured by an animal. In a contact add he gets to know Max and with that encounter the chance of making his fantasy real. But does he dare?...
A story about a man in the sunset of his life whose heart gets touched unexpectedly after the arrival of a very special bird......