The story of the Boesman family's attempt to survive in the city of Ghent during the first world war focusing on each of the five family member's different experiences...
Witse is a Dutch language crime drama produced by Belgian broadcaster VRT and broadcast on their één channel. It is also shown on BVN. First broadcast in 2004, as of 2010 the programme comprises eight series with a ninth and final series planned for 2012. It stars Hubert Damen as the eponymous Witse, a driven inspector in the Belgian federal police based in Halle. It is one of the most popular Flemish television programmes with some 1.6 million viewers. There are also Witse books. The first thr...
Michelle, Guido and Frankie have been co-workers and close friends for years. But when their boss gets fired, Guido gets a promotion and is replaced by the odd Alain Van Damme. No normal day passes on this work floor where impossible situations, hilarious moments and odd people are just a daily thing....
The nerve-racking events of a cold winter's day, seen from two different perspectives. The odd episodes tell the story of a team of police negotiators and special forces who respond to a hostage crisis in a small bank branch. The even episodes tell exactly the same events, only through the eyes of the criminals inside and their victims....
Low on inspiration for his second book, a gloomy novelist agrees to write a memoir for a dying man — and swiftly becomes part of his bloodstained past....
The love story of a left-wing girl and a right-wing boy....
After a long day at work, fiftyeight-year-old Khadija falls asleep on the last subway train. When she wakes up at the end of the line, she has no choice but to make her way home on foot. On her nocturnal journey she finds herself compelled to ask for and give help to the other inhabitants of the night....
Vincent is a 17-year old ecologist who drives his family crazy with his attempts to reduce their carbon footprint. Vincent‘s giddy French aunt Nikki takes him on a trip to France, convinced that the boy‘s obsession is related to his suffocating mother. But on their road-trip, Vincent proves to be much more than Nikki can handle....
Three starkly different people deal with the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Brussels in May 2016. A Flemish doctor, whose son is a fighter jet pilot on a mission in the Middle East, is forced to confront his loneliness. A young man from Algerian descent is asked by his brother to do him a deceivingly simple favor. An Italian woman, who works in the heart of the European Institutions, is slowly losing control under the pressure of her demanding life. The same question that seems to haunt t...
Three Belgian friends with Arabic roots come into possession of a bomb. Nobody knows where it came from, but they have to get rid of it. Meantime the biased suspicion of some local workers is turning into aggression and getting them deeper into trouble....