Garfield Originals is a 2D animated series created by Jim Davis and Philippe Vidal. The series was developed with France's Dargaud Media and Ellipsanime and is the third animated series based on the comic strip Garfield, following Garfield and Friends and The Garfield Show. It is similar to Garfield Quickies and The Garfield Shorts, a series of short films containing gags, and was first showcased on Dargaud Media and Mediatoon Distribution's website, then officially announced on the official Gar...
Follow Yogu and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the world of Wakfu from destruction....
Follow Yogu and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the world of Wakfu from destruction....
Follow Yogu and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the world of Wakfu from destruction....
Prince Argai, a knight from 1250 a.d. travels through time to save his girlfriend Angele from the evil ruler of the world in 2075, Queen Dark....
To find Ilona and unlock the secrets of her disappearance, Karas must plunge deep into the parallel worlds of corporate espionage, organized crime and genetic research - where the truth imprisons whoever finds it first and miracles can be bought but at a great price....
Las Sangres 1856. Women from a small religious community are found dead and mutilated. Jakob the patriarch of the community asks James, a taciturn cow-boy to investigate the murders....
Kom is from a tribe of monkeys who live in a canopy. He rejects elders' authority as well as the superstition that the lower world would be inhabited by demons. But he accidentally falls from the trees…...