Vocal Play is a South Korea variety show program on Channel A starring Noh Hong-chul and Oh Sang-jin as the main host. The show airs on Channel A starting November 10, 2018. It is distributed and syndicated by Channel A every Saturday...
“Radio Star” is a South Korean music talk show where the guests and hosts talk openly and intimately about their lives, their pasts and their work. It is part of Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation's "Golden Fishery" programming block....
Youth Over Flowers is a South Korean travel-reality show which premiered on tvN in 2014....
The documentary series were made to look back on Korea’s modern history. It tells stories of specific moments in time weaving together relevant video clips from news broadcasts, dramas, shows and other documentaries...
"Cheftainer" (chef and entertainer) Baek Jong-won teaches celebrities how to prepare Korean food....
Infinite Challenge has been reported as the first "Real-Variety" show in Korean television history. The program is largely unscripted, and follows a similar format of challenge-based Reality Television programs, familiar to the audiences in the West, but the challenges are often silly, absurd, or impossible to achieve, so the program takes on the aspect of a satirical comedy variety show, rather than a more standard reality or contest program. In order to achieve its comedic purposes its 6 hosts...
You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook is a Korean pop music program that is both a talk show and live music show. The host of this program is You Hee-yeol, also known as Toy, a one-man project band. This program has aired since April 24, 2009....
Korea's version of the late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory cast members....
Yoo Jae-suk reunites the producing team of Infinite Challenge and presents you How Do You Play? The Indefinitely expanding YOONIVERSE, based on Yoo's blood, sweat, and tears, will entertain viewers at home. Let's follow Yoo and his friends' new projects every week....
The music show filled with mysteries and shocking moments is back! Guest celebrities must correctly guess a real singer, based on appearance and a few hints only, among the group of people who are pretending to be a singer. A fake singer who last till the end gets 5000 dollars whereas a real singer who survives gets a precious opportunity to have their own album released....
Competitors are given elaborate masks to wear in order to conceal their identity, thus removing factors such as popularity, career and age that could lead to prejudiced voting. In the first round, a pair of competitors sing the same song, while in the second and third rounds they each sing a solo song. After the First Generation, the winner of the Third Round goes on to challenge the Mask King, and is either eliminated or replaces the previous Mask King through live voting. The identities of the...
Yoo Jae-suk and Jo Se-ho who enter ordinary people's everyday lives, chat with them, and give them surprise quizzes! The talk and quiz show program will spotlight these people's lives and aims to gift them a refreshing, different kind of day. Recently they're also inviting celebrities & professionals to the show....