Ne'elamim (The Missing) is a compelling young adult skewed thriller which follows Emma and Alon, a brother and sister who move to a small town and quickly find out that nothing is quite as it seems in their new neighborhood, which is awash with murky happenings. The ground water supply has been geologically poisoned, and three teenagers from their high school died under mysterious circumstances a few months earlier - but when an unexplainable photograph of them surfaces, the siblings begin to do...
Charlie Golf One (TAAGAD in Hebrew) is a fast-paced action comedy drama series that follows the extraordinary and unusual events in the lives of medical soldiers serving in a remote military base of an elite infantry unit. The series will have you laughing one moment and put you at the edge of your seat in the next....
Murray, a film lecturer, and Dana, a gynecologist, are 30-something roommates. Their strong friendship is tested when Dana falls in love with a man Murray ditched in a hit-and-run accident....
An adventure series set in 1946, two pivotal years before the State of Israel was founded. A seemingly innocent training farm secretly functions as a Strike Forces (Palmach) training base and recruitment center for exceptional teens, as well as a home-base for illegal immigration missions and special ops against the British mandate. The show's heroes are brother and sister Emile and Elinore – fresh off the boat illegal immigrants. The native Israelis initially mock them for their otherness, but ...
Based on real events that took place in the "Mazakh" bastion, the Yom Kippur war, the Sinai front. After a surprise Egyptian attack, 42 soldiers under the command of a young lieutenant from the Seder yeshiva, struggle to repel the enemy attacks during which many of the fighters are injured or killed. At the same time in the TAGD bunker, the Tel Avivian reserve doctor is fighting for the lives of the wounded fighters and calls for urgent evacuations that do not come. After a week of siege and fig...
A warrior's journey to recover from his post-trauma from war - in his relationship with his partner, the opaque bureaucratic system, his parents, and the growth from grief and the painful past....
A subversive love story between clashing cultures and families, KISS ME BEFORE IT BLOWS UP is a romantic misadventure crossing all borders. When two generations of Israeli women fall for a German woman and a Palestinian man, chaos follows. What happens with lovers who don't fit but do belong together?...