Based on Hashim Nadeem’s novel of the same name, the titular protagonist is born in unfortunate circumstances – a poor family of eleven people and dark skin. In a society obsessed with fair skin, he finds himself in start contrast with his name (lit. fairy's child)...
Oye Kuch Kar Guzar is a 2016 Pakistani online comedy film by djuice Pakistan, directed and written by Harris Rasheed and produced by Syed Zaheer Uddin and Emad Ishaq Khan. It is the first Pakistani online film. The film was released on Youtube on 3 December 2016....
Is Love Really Needed For A Marriage? Habs is an unusual drama with a story that involves a loving couple, trying to make it through the misunderstandings that are created by the unfortunate circumstances and the people around them....
Story of trust, relationships and regrets, revolving around five people with different backgrounds and their faith and conviction. It highlights the concept of how the creator rewards the people who believe in hard work and patience....
Rudaba is an innocent girl who is engaged to her father's best friend's son Buland Bakhtiar. One day Rudaba's father and future father-in-law are killed due to robbery shooting. Rudaba reluctantly moves in with Adil upon his insistence. Adil workes as a front man for his own brother in-law Bashar Momin, who was a money launderer and was among the richest of the city. Bashar can do anything for his sisters, especially Tayyaba, whose two engagements were failed....
Mannat, Haya and Nayab are all close friends. Wajih, Yawer , Shayaan and Haya are siblings. Mannat is married to Shayaan. Her In-Laws are shown as quite wealthy. However, Nayab is poor. Her mother passed away and she lives with her father Ramzaan , greedy step-mother and her 2 step-sisters. The story starts when Nayab gets murdered after a rape attempt and physical violence on the night of her friend Haya's engagement....
Each episode features a Pakistani celebrity interviewed by Peerzada about their journeys, struggles, challenges and success....
The host Wajahat Rauf as Voice Over Man interviews the guest celebrities in a funny way....
Gunehgaar is the story of a successful businessman Zakaria, his kind and cancer-stricken wife Aisha, their kids and two adopted children. Zakaria’s adopted son Ramal Ali is in love with Malaika and on Malaika’s father’s insistence, the couple secretly gets married. Owing to her deteriorating condition, Aisha takes some decisions for her children which bring major upheavals in their lives....
Synopsis: Umar is torn between Maheen and Roshni, the one he is married to, and the one he loves. Will Umar choose Roshni as his life partner or will Maheen be the one he remains loyal to?...
A Pakistani series whose story revolves around a man who loves his family, but when his wife increases her doubts and fear of the day he might betray her, he finds himself led to the idea of betrayal that lives in his wife’s head anyway!...
In the wake of a horrific crime in Diyalpur, Punjab, authorities are propelled into action. SSP Sarmad Zaman, an ambitious officer, is assigned to the case and he vows to bring justice to Neelam, the victim. But his investigation leads him into an ugly, twisted web of lies and deceit as he finds himself close to uncovering a conspiracy with dire institutional consequences. As he inches towards the truth, Sarmad is faced with difficult choices that threaten to jeopardize his family and career - i...
A man vows to win the heart of the woman he loves....
Teri Meri Love Story is a romantic comedy revolving around a love triangle between Esha, Ramis and Nael....