An animated adventure rescue series about four loveable, enthusiastic and heroic young deer friends – Kai, Lola, Rammy and Bobbi, who protect the animals of Central Forest and the humans who inhabit Platinum City....
Red Iron Road is an animated horror anthology series, based on the works of famous European authors. Each of the episodes are between 10-20 minutes, produced with different creative partners in unique visual styles to suit each story....
A masked figure known as "The Curious" collects tales of dark magic, otherworldly encounters and twisted technology in this kids anthology series....
A macabre web site called Darknet links the tales in this chilling anthology series whose protagonists face a range of unnamable horrors....
PAW Patrol is a CG action-adventure for old children and preschool series starring a pack of six heroic puppies led by a tech-savvy 10-year-old boy named Ryder....
Dana, a paleontologist in training, and her sister Emily embark on a series of adventures with dinosaurs....
The Psych Crimes Unit, a unique team of police detectives and mental health professionals, is tasked with solving bizarre and chilling crimes that cross the boundary between law enforcement and psychological disturbance....
Odd Squad saves the day whenever something unusual happens....
Mary, Queen of Scots, faces political and sexual intrigue in the treacherous world of the French court....
A unicorn and a pegasus, two inseparable best friends, strive to make their world of Galloping Grove a better place....
A group of vigilantes known informally as “The Boys” set out to take down corrupt superheroes with no more than blue-collar grit and a willingness to fight dirty....
Zoe and Tristan go into summer school. Maya gets a job babysitting. A girl goes missing leaving suspicion everywhere....
Set in a near-future world where there is no privacy, ignorance or anonymity, our private memories are recorded and crime almost ceases to exist. In trying to solve a series of unsolved murders, Sal Frieland stumbles onto a young woman who appears to have subverted the system and disappeared. She has no identity, no history and no record. Sal realizes it may not be the end of crime but the beginning. Known only as 'The Girl', Sal must find her before he becomes the next victim....
A team of professional hitmen are paid a large amount of money to travel back in time 5 years and kill a select group of innocent people, one of whom is foreseen as aiding an army of inter-dimensional beings in wiping out the human race....
The Odd Squad springs into action when a rival group called Weird Team starts to cover up problems instead of solving them....
After serving twelve years for murder, Mark Reed is a free man. But can he stay on the right path or will forces beyond his control cause him to fall back into a life of crime? His freedom will come at cost....
The kids believe Santa will never find them when the Circo gets stuck at the South Pole on Christmas Eve. Luna helps the kids work to save Christmas, learning about holiday traditions from around the world along the way....
When the whole world is hypnotized by an unexplained celestial event, a young boy must face his fear of the unknown in order to keep his brother and best friend from turning to the other side....