Yapool, an ancient interdimensional race of beings tries to conquer the Planet Earth with his army of monsters, called Terrible-Monsters. The newest member of the Ultra Brothers, Ultraman Ace, arrives on Earth to aid humanity in the battle against Yapool. Touched by the sacrifices of Seiji Hokuto and Yuko Minami, he revives them and grants them the Ultra Rings, which allows them to transform into Ultraman Ace in times of need....
At the end of the 20th century, the Earth Defense Force continued to protect the earth from aliens and monsters that invaded one after another. Returning to the origin of his successful work "Earth Defense Girl Iko-chan". With AKB48's Haruka Katayama and SDN48's Kayo Noro as cast members, nine unique beautiful girl members fight against the invaders to defend the earth....
Theatrical version of episode 5 of Ultraman Ace TV series. Two women go missing, with witnesses testifying that they vanished underground. The only common link between the incidents was that both women had type O blood. TAC closes the case, but when Yuko and Seiji are out shopping, Yuko herself is targeted. Seiji manages to free her, and the two catch a glimpse of the terrible-monster, Aribunta....
Dan is a former geisha, now working as an ace pilot for the Earth Defense Troops. Her fiance was killed by the space monster Bemurasu which consumes nuclear waste. To save Planet Earth, Dan attacks Bemurasu, but whenever she does, she feels ecstasy. Can she save Planet Earth?...
The story is set in a world where a tokusatsu hero TV series "Outer Man" has gained national popularity for 50 years (just like the Ultraman series). One day, a giant alien looking exactly like Outer Man appears in Japan. The truth is soon revealed that, unlike the story in the TV series, Outer Man is an evil alien who has been trying to brainwash Japanese people to invade the earth. The actors who played the hero in the TV series decide to fight against the real Outer Man by transforming into t...