Godzilla is a 30-minute animated series co-produced between Hanna-Barbera Productions and Toho in 1978 and aired on NBC in the United States and TV Tokyo in Japan. The series is an animated adaptation of the Japanese Godzilla films produced by Toho. The series continued to air until 1981, for a time airing in its own half-hour timeslot until its cancellation....
The story of a wealthy family that lost everything, and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together....
A boy named Peter must save Easter. An evil character named Tin Whiskers takes over the town and re-names everything including the streets to have tin in the name. He has several animal friends who help him and Mother Nature even gives him help....
Wally Sparks is a tabloid TV show reporter who's trying to boost ratings on his show. He goes to the governor's mansion to uncover a sex scandal....