This documentary series follows videogame developer Double Fine as they set-out to create a classic point-and-click adventure game. The series follows industry veteran, Tim Schafer, and his team as they launch a Kickstarter campaign to fund the game and finally, three years later, ship the finished product to fans....
2 Player Productions and Double Fine Productions present Double Fine PsychOdyssey, an unprecedented documentary experience seven years in the making. Ten years after the release of their flagship video game Psychonauts, Double Fine Productions returns to its most celebrated franchise with Psychonauts 2. Now facing the pressure to produce a worthy sequel, the studio must confront overly ambitious designs, poor morale, technical challenges and financial woes, all during a turbulent span of time ...
The Artists explores the first three decades of video game history through the stories of the designers and programmers who laid the groundwork to redefine pop culture. For a massive audience, video games are the films of the 21st century and a primary source of storytelling. How did that happen? An entertaining account of this stunning success story, The Artists is the saga of how video games became such an influential cultural force....
American teenagers connect on the early internet to crusade for their favorite videogame of all time, pitting their fan site against a corporate goliath and their own looming adulthoods....
Minecraft: The Story of Mojang is a feature-length documentary that follows the young company over the course of its first year as their profile expanded across the world stage and into the homes of millions of gamers. Featuring insights from industry icons, journalists, tastemakers, and players profoundly impacted by the game, the film serves as a time capsule for one of this generation's most unorthodox success stories....
From Pong to Grand Theft Auto, Charlie Brooker delves into the history of videogames and pulls out a selection of its most significant titles. From Atari to Angry Birds, How Videogames Changed the World explores how interactive entertainment evolved from a penny arcade diversion into a medium that some believe is art, and shows how it is changing the way we work, communicate and, of course, play. Joined by Jonathan Ross, Dara O'Briain and gaming legends like Will Wright and John Romero, Brooke...
A journey through the evolution of time travel; from it origins, it's evolution and influence in science fiction, to the exciting possibilities in the future....
A brand new feature-length documentary diving into the fast-paced world of game design and the fresh challenges that come with turning ideas into reality. In a process called “Amnesia Fortnight,” anyone and everyone at the studio can pitch a game concept. The goal: turn those ideas into working prototypes.In 2019, during their work in Psychonauts 2, Double Fine held another Amnesia Fortnight. The result? New projects embodying the studio’s ethos of comedic adventures and unique games....