Clémentine was a 1985 French animated television series. The series consisted of 39 episodes which featured the fantastic adventures of a 10-year-old girl who uses a wheelchair. The show was produced by "IDDH", a company that originally started out producing French-dubbed versions of Japanese anime. It originally aired on Antenne 2. The series was released on VHS in 1990 and on DVD in 2006....
What should have been a simple family reunion turns into a settling of scores....
A vicious beaver blankets the jungle with a dangerous pink substance that explodes when coming into contact with water. With the rainy season approaching, the miscellaneous team of animals must hurry to find the antidote....
An adventurous mouse sets off to battle dangerous creatures in Ancient Greece, including Poseidon....
Documentary on the French dubbing industry. A journey through pop culture, the power of voice, artificial intelligence... French dubbing actors of stars like Brad Pitt, Tobey Maguire, Daniel Craig, Woopy Goldberg or Morgane Freeman, the most talented and known in France tell the story of French dubbing through the strike that immobilized the country's industry and the breaking point between art and business. They also testify to the importance that dubbing has had, its scope and the future it w...
Maurice may look like a penguin - but he's a real tiger inside! Raised by a tigress, he's the clumsiest kung-fu master ever. Along with his friends, The Jungle Bunch, he intends to maintain order and justice in the jungle, as his mother did before he. But Igor, an evil koala, wants to destroy the jungle once and for all—helped by his army of silly baboons....
Maurits the penguin thinks he's a tiger that lives in the jungle. Along with the other animals, they're the heroes that come to the resque when someone's in danger. Here you can follow them in these funny funny epsiodes: * The horror plant * The destruction * The jungle bunch and the lost coolness * The swamp * The five tornado-taos * The balony thief * Papa Miguel * Seven minutes...