In September 1939, Colette and Ernest are welcomed by their maternal grandparents in a fictional village named Grangeville, near Dieppe in Normandy. The short vacation becomes semi-permanent when their father goes off to fight, following the mobilization of France to fight the invading German Army, and the poor health of their mother, required to leave to be treated for tuberculosis in a sanatorium in Switzerland. The two little Parisians discover life in the countryside during wartime, includin...
Follow Yogu and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the world of Wakfu from destruction....
Mini-Wakfu is a series of humorous shorts based on the French television series Wakfu with characters depicted in super deformed (chibi) style. This short series contains many sources of various equipment and secret places from Dofus, Wakfu, and Wakfu: The Guardians...
Follow Yogu and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the world of Wakfu from destruction....
The adventures of a irresistible little girl, with stacks of humour and piles of energy. Just like all kids her age (7 and three quarters), Zoé asks herself many questions and is not always sure how to act in certain situations. Nothing could be more natural - after all, the one thing she doesn’t have is... experience!...
David, son of a bankrupt printer, lives in the Paris suburbs, as do Blacky and Nérone. If they are repeating their baccalaureate, they have forgotten to be stupid; and to make pocket money, they always find good tricks. One day, David meets a young student, coming from a very well-to-do background. He falls madly in love with her, and does not know how to seduce her....
France, 1965 - An aging mamma's boy becomes the replacement leader of a rowdy group of teenage boy scouts who make his life miserable....
No-No has had it up to his bill with his mundane existence in Underwood Springs. After sounding out his friends, he decides do go off in search of adventure with his tiny companion Magaïver the crab....
Francois Marboni is a butcher who is being blackmailed for having an affair with the prostitute Rachel in this black comedy. He decides to hire a hit man when the blackmailer demands that he start cutting his profit margin to the bone. Francois soon becomes a target of the hitman he hired....