A comedy fiction about police work. As a fake reality TV show, the series follow the daily routine of two officers on duty....
In a dog-eat-dog world, Raimundo Nonato has found an alternative way to move ahead: he cooks. No matter what social strata this deceptively innocent young man inhabits, he hones his skills and sharpens his knives—and then he falls in love. Jorge's nimble comic fable provides a smartly constructed gastronomic allegory for ambition and survival....
Sequel to the award-winning 2007 film, Stomach 2 tells the tasty and bloody dispute between a faction leader and an Italian boss for control of the prison where they are held and the privilege of being served by the talented cook Raimundo Nonato...
We are at all times making decisions that define who we are and what we face in our day to day. Elder manages the hotel inherited from his father throughout his life. In his hands the hotel went from a luxury resort to a hotel on the verge of bankruptcy. He is the portrait of a people whose life was easy but at the height of his fifties he faces the consequences of a life of excess with an erratic and cyclical addiction to alcohol and cocaine. Unsuccessful in his professional life, this failure ...