This medical drama tells the story of a group of neurosurgeons with different personalities, facing patients with various intractable diseases and complicated operations, conscientiously saving lives in their respective positions. The two deputy chief physicians of neurosurgery, one is a "Lone Ranger" and the other is a "Surgery Frenzy". The two have different styles, but they will not have a better life with anyone. "Lone Ranger" Fan Xun (nickname Gu Xiong), the first quick knife in neurosurge...
"The New Snow Leopard" is adapted from the online novel "Special Warfare Pioneer" written by an amateur sniper. The novel was adapted into the TV series "Snow Leopard" starring Wen Wen in 2009, which was well received after being broadcast. Three years later, the original cast of the old version of "Snow Leopard" teamed up again to create "New Snow Leopard", and the soul character Zhou Weiguo, who was once played by Wen Wen, was played by Zhang Ruoyun....
At the commendation meeting of Dong Chuan province's "Top Ten Figures of the Rule of Law," He Shu Guo who is the director of the Second Prosecution Department suddenly comes face to face with the family members of a death row convict. In order to find out the truth, legal committee secretary Zhang You Cheng appoints Feng Sen as the leader of the prosecution team to investigate the case in depth. Feng Sen tries to do his job yet his unorthodox style of handling cases ignites several disputes. In ...
Wuwechimato journeys to China to learn Chinese kung fu but finds himself on board a boat filled with Japanese pirates whose only mission is plunder and pillage. When he intervenes on behalf of an adolescent Chinese girl about to be kidnapped, he is targeted by the pirates while also assumed by the Chinese villagers to be one of the pirates. Only when the girl hides him and teaches him some of her language, does he manage to convince other important villagers of his innocence....
China, the 1990s. A young bookseller is in love with a woman. The woman is now with another guy, a rich man. The rich man sends his people to beat the bookseller. In the fight, the laptop computer from a man looking at the scene gets broken. Who will pay for the computer? The bookseller wants revenge. Will it be useful? The bookseller and the laptop owner are from different ages and classes. They are two different points of view, two different Chinas. How will they fight for justice?...
After spending several years abroad, Tan Xiaoqiang comes back to his home town in south west China....
A young boy sleepwalks into a shrouded reality of murder and rape in a small fishing village, amidst the emerging political and cultural turbulence of 1970's China....
Based on the story of the folk musician Nie Er and the creation of "The March of the Volunteers", national anthem of the People's Republic of China....
The story centers on the Chinese Special Police Unit, from their hard training to their first mission....
The film tells the story of Zihao living in a seaside town returning to Hong Kong and living a life by the sea. One day, he met the mysterious girl Xiaoyi and began to take care of Xiaoyi's life. The ocean boat where Zihao's father was, the fishing boat returned, but the crew were all missing. Zihao, who experienced the pain of losing his father, walked out of the haze under the care of Xiaoyi, and the two were together. But the good times didn't last long. A mysterious middle-aged man named Lao...
Qi Ge reunited unexpectedly with college lover Luo Entai. Encounter the love that once suddenly evaporated in the world, the most urgent thing besides Luo Entai's ecstasy is to wonder why Qi Ge suddenly disappeared. I never thought that Qi Ge at this time was already someone else's lover, and even said nothing about the cause of the sudden disappearance. Luo Entai was not willing to let go like this, so under a secret follow-up, he discovered the shocking secrets of Qi Ge and his lover Pang Tian...
In the snow-capped Guandi Temple of Mengjiang County, the deputy commander of the Nanman crusade against the Japanese Kanto Army, Changde, led his subordinates to make a "solace offering" for General Yang Jingyu....
Before the breakout of the Sino-Japanese War, Hong, Wang, and Peng were best friends. Hong and Wang secretly joined the local guerrillas after the Japanese began invading China. Hong ran a small business and Wang worked as a courier for a Japanese trading firm, hiding their true identities in order to collect intelligence on the Japanese for the Eight Route Army, and established a railway guerrilla unit. Wang soon found out that the trading firm he was working for was indeed an intelligence un...
Both husband and wife at this well known kite family were killed by the Japanese bombers, leaving behind the grandmother and her two grand-children. The grandma threw herself into the Anti-Japanese War, starting her courageous fight against the invaders....